What is Bu Sofi Phytoceramides?

This is our review of Bu Sofi Phytoceramides. This product was developed in order to aid skin repair and maintain a youthful glow. The ingredients found in this product are clinically proven to help reverse fine lines and eliminate wrinkles on the skin. It is also known to help in boosting skin repair as well as a great skin moisturizer. Interested in this product? Read on below to get a more in-depth look at Bu Sofi Phytoceramides.


Bu Sofi Phytoceramides uses only a special anti-aging proprietary blend (44mg) which consists of pyhtoceramide extracts and astaxanthin. This has been one of the most highly recommended anti-aging substances by dermatologists. Each capsule contains only pure Phytoceramides oil extracts, no added fillers or synthetic substances. This product is an all natural supplement and a relatively safe one at that.


Recommended dosage of this supplement is one capsule taken once before meals. One capsule per day is the ideal dosage. Please consult your doctor first before trying out any new drug or supplement to ensure your safety. Pregnant women, children and people taking any medications should first consult their physician before taking this supplement.


Unfortunately, as of this writing, the product Bu Sofi Phytoceramides is currently out of stock and is unavailable. The product is available through reputable online stores such as Amazon but at the moment is not available. We checked around to see if there are any announcements of when it will be available again but sadly we could not find any mention or information.

Possible Side Effects

The official website of Bu Sofi Phytoceramides does not state any side effects and claims that there are no negative side effects to taking their product. However, they also stress that consumers should not exceed the recommended dosage that is indicated on the bottle. We have also researched if taking phytoceramides can cause any adverse side effects and we did not find anything. This is a plant-based supplement and is currently one of the safest in terms of skin health supplements.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

Bu Sofi Phytoceramides does not come with any customer guarantee. After checking their official website, we also found a lack of information regarding this product. These are definitely red flags that a knowledgeable customer will pick up on immediately.

The Bottom Line

The Bu Sofi Phytoceramides uses ingredients that have been clinically proven to help slow down and even slightly reverse the aging process. The website also claims that, depending on the individual, results can be seen within a month. However, these claims have yet to be backed up by solid customer reviews and testimonials. It is also currently unavailable and no statement has been released on when the next batch of supplements will be available to the public market. The lack of any solid information puts doubt in our mind about the legitimacy of this product.

Do you want to find an effective Phytoceramide supplement? Check out our top rated Phytoceramide products